Two Brothers

Two Brothers
A new Bunya tree work I have created as a memorial to my 2 last Uncles

Bunya Dreaming

Bunya Dreaming
One of my latest artworks

Story Poles

Story Poles
Image of my Storypole by night - the colours slowly change colour 1 pole at a time.

Story Poles

Story Poles
Day time image of My first public artwork - located at Charlish Park, Redcliffe, QLD

Playing on

Playing on
Portrait of Artie Beetson

Blood, sugar, sex, blak majick

Blood, sugar, sex, blak majick
digital artwork, 2010

Blak Majick star woman

Blak Majick star woman
this is my entry for last years Telstra Awards new media category.

Blak Majick woman - Grieve

Blak Majick woman - Grieve
Photograph 74x54 cm

Mourning Star

Mourning Star
installation @ Fireworks gallery in 1999


Acrylic on canvas 90x120cm

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Friday, April 10, 2009

below is a partial transcript of an very derogatory e-mail I received for a person who goes by the Avatar of Crowmanic (he claims he is an Indigenous Australian) he can be found in

I have chosen to not put all the stuff out there, as I am still respecting your key role in the establishment of this group, whether you can see/read that or not… I have even bowed-down to your single-minded stance, and your critical manner, but please be assured once again, I am not the average “urbanised” mixed-breed who goes to school to learn about my heritage, racial history, nor cultural/genetic heritage… and I am NOT a political activist who uses the very same energy/tools and means, that supposed enemies or opposites use… you have your reputation, beliefs, and Group… and I have this experience … so “stop throwing spears, and I won’t have to pull them out and return them”.
Oh yeah, if cultural intellectual property rights is your particular and specific interest/concern… so be it… perhaps if you had told me that a while back, then I would have deferred to your speciality, when I “ignorantly” let a few past the gate that you say should be rejected… if you had of taken the time (as traditional-oriented Aboriginals do/did re cultural protocols) then you may have a clearer understanding, why I said in my post, I had no intention to rationalise or “plead” with representatives of the dominant cultural group, about matters they have little regard nor respect for, inc those on RB with reference to the issue you and I are on about… in my view, you’re right, I’m NOT professional nor will I conduct my responses on some others “professional” rules or protocols… I know what theirs are, I’ve “appropriated” them into my life-style because there are no other choices being left… however, when it comes to my personal/social and non-mainstream life-style choices … I am Aboriginal in essence, practice and speech… and no “whitey” or wipe-out process will dictate, threaten or coerce me to be/do otherwise, even if it means they “think” I am disrespecting “their” ways of business… I am NOT Noel Pearson, or Lowitja O’Donahughe, nor Mundine whatever his name is… nor Geoff Clark, or Sugar Ray… and I have never sucked-up nor compromised when it comes to enacting cultural difference be it in my “white-world” roles or “apparent” life-style (emphasis on appearance and not essence)... enough said… if you “hear” the meaning of all this, well and positive… or if you don’t… no matter… take care and enjoy the “ride”...
oh yeh, whilst you’ve got me riled-up, I never did accept Krudd’s apology (publicly or privately — I’m aware of his history/role in Qld politics also, including that of cronyism (?) regarding a particular young Aboriginal girl who was raped many years ago whilst “in care”, and the shredded files etc, I will never shake his hand either… no matter how many “mission-eyes’d” blacks think, believe he’s got their best interests at the heart of his politics!!

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